Il mer 17 ott 2018, 16:04 Daniel Kinzler ha scritto:
I say: let it produce bad results, tell people why the results are bad, and what they can do about it!
TL;DR: let's produce bad results, and let's analyse those results to find the best practical solution we can come up with.
I totally agree with Daniel here. It is definitely a red flag that we should tackle head-first, but we need data first. We need to know *where* ontology fails, *why* it fails, and *how* can we fix it.
Now it's probably the best time to talk about this, not just because we have a potential big application such as Structured Data, but also because we focused on other not-so-easy problems such as dealing with isolated sitelinks/projects and try to establish relations between items, and between items and other databases.
What we need to do IMHO is to find whatever best practical solution we have at hand, in order to primarily use it on Wikimedia projects. My only fear is that such discussions may end up in a swamp because of "that one user" who doesn't want to apply that particular solution (not accusing anyone in particular, I've been that user too in some discussions). Anyway, if we start from data, we can come up with some solution.