Thanks Lucas and Federico...  I don't have exactly what I was looking for yet, but probably good enough for my current needs.  I will say though that I think these metrics I proposed could be useful for me when trying to convince my colleagues in the biomedical domain how awesome Wikidata is.  So if there were some future ability to automatically and precisely calculate them, I for one would find it useful...


On Wed, Dec 20, 2017 at 10:33 AM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Andrew Su, 20/12/2017 20:19:
In any case, pointers on the two stats I'm looking for are still welcome!

Ok. I don't think the number of edits is especially meaningful, but Wikidata easily wins this metric over any other project, even if you combine all Wikipedias. shows 14 M/month (although G>I must be an error) and in under Σ you can see all Wikipedias combined are around 10.
