On Sat, 29 Jul 2023, 02:48 Denny Vrandečić, <vrandecic@gmail.com> wrote:

> After reading both threads, my understanding is that Dr Lemaire does not want to have the second last name attached to her identity.

I explicitly asked if that was the case, for Wikidata...

> The problem is not, given my reading, that she wants everything deleted.

...and that is exactly what she asked for, in response to my question.

> It is fine if she does. But she certainly does not want the other last name in any combination to appear with her name.

That name is used, online, by - among others - VIAF, ISNI, BNF, Nukat, Worldcat, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the award page previously discussed.

> I acted accordingly and removed the other last name. As can be seen in Dr Lemaire's papers, she has consistently used the name "Marie-Claude Lemaire" and there is no reason not to respect that request.

That is clearly not so. See, for example:


I'm sympathetic to Dr Lemaire for whatever demons trouble her, but bowdlerising Wikidata and thereby reducing its usefulness will not resolve them.

Andy Mabbett