They wrote a really insightful paper about how their processes for large-scale data curation worked.  Among may other things, they investigated mechanical turk 'micro tasks' versus hourly workers and generally found the latter to be more cost effective.  

"The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Human Computation Engine"

(I have the PDF in case you want it after that link expires..)


p.s. As side note I tend to agree with the camps on this list that think it would be an enormous waste if the work that went into the content in freebase was not leveraged effectively for wikidata.  Its not easy to raise millions of dollars for data curation..

On Fri, Jul 17, 2015 at 7:56 AM, Paul Houle <> wrote:
I know Freebase used oDesk.  Note the number in question is  3000 judgements per person per day I've run tasks on Mechanical Turk and also I make my own judgement sets for various things and I'd agree with that rate;  that comes to 9.6 seconds per judgement which I can believe.  If you are that fast you can make a living of it and never have to get out of your pyjamas,  but as a manager you have to do something about people who do huge amounts of fast but barely acceptable work.

  Note that they had $57M of funding

and if the fully loaded cost of those FTE equivalents was $50,000 via oDesk,  it would cost $5 M to get 100 million facts processed.  So practically they could have got a lot done.  Metaweb and oDesk had interlocking directorates

so they probably had a great relationship with oDesk,  which would have helped.  

Dealing with "turks" I would estimate that I'd ask each question somewhere between 2 and 3 times on the average to catch most of the errors and ambiguous cases and also get an estimate of how many I didn't catch.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Eric Sun <> wrote:
>> Note that Freebase did a lot of human curation and we know they could get
about 3000 verifications  of facts by "non-experts" a day who were paid for
their efforts.  That scales out to almost a million facts per FTE per year.

Where can I found out more about how they were able to do such high-volume human curation?  3000/day is a huge number.

On Thu, Jul 16, 2015 at 5:01 AM, <> wrote:
Date: Wed, 15 Jul 2015 15:25:27 -0400
From: Paul Houle <>
To: "Discussion list for the Wikidata project."
Subject: [Wikidata] Freebase is dead, long live :BaseKB
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

For those who are interested in the project of getting something out of
Freebase for use in Wikidata or somewhere else,  I'd like to point out

this a completely workable solution for  running queries out of Freebase
after the MQL API goes dark.

I have been watching the discussion about the trouble moving Freebase data
to Wikidata and let me share some thoughts.

First quality is in the eye of the beholder and if somebody defines that
quality is a matter of citing your sources,  than that is their definition
of 'quality' and they can attain it.  You might have some other definition
of quality and be appalled that Wikidata has so little to say about a topic
that has caused much controversy and suffering:

there are ways to attain that too.

Part of the answer is that different products are going to be used in
different places.  For instance,  one person might need 100% coverage of
books he wants to talk about,  another one might want a really great
database of ski areas,  etc.

Note that Freebase did a lot of human curation and we know they could get
about 3000 verifications  of facts by "non-experts" a day who were paid for
their efforts.  That scales out to almost a million facts per FTE per year.

Paul Houle

*Applying Schemas for Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems,
Classification and Text Mining and Data Lakes*

(607) 539 6254    paul.houle on Skype
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Paul Houle

Applying Schemas for Natural Language Processing, Distributed Systems, Classification and Text Mining and Data Lakes

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