Not being familiar with ORES I ask you to deleter wikidata page from my google chrome space Marie-Claude Lemaire + particle physics. Please do it yourself I do not understand any thing in the links you gave me;

Le 4 août 2023 à 11:57, Lydia Pintscher <> a écrit :

Hi everyone,

If you are using ORES scores to judge edits on Wikidata or find out the quality of Items in Wikidata then this is important information about the upcoming migration to Lift Wing for you.
We are collecting affected Wikidata community tools here:


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Chris Albon <>
Date: Thu, Aug 3, 2023 at 4:16 PM
Subject: [Wikitech-l] ORES To Lift Wing Migration
To: <>

Hi everybody,

TL;DR We would like users of ORES models to migrate to our new open source ML infrastructure, Lift Wing, within the next five months. We are available to help you do that, from advice to making code commits. It is important to note: All ML models currently accessible on ORES are also currently accessible on Lift Wing.

As part of the Machine Learning Modernization Project (, the Machine Learning team has deployed a Wikimedia’s new machine learning inference infrastructure, called Lift Wing ( Lift Wing brings a lot of new features such as support for GPU-based models, open source LLM hosting, auto-scaling, stability, and ability to host a larger number of models.

With the creation of Lift Wing, the team is turning its attention to deprecating the current machine learning infrastructure, ORES. ORES served us really well over the years, it was a successful project but it came before radical changes in technology like Docker, Kubernetes and more recently MLOps. The servers that run ORES are at the end of their planned lifespan and so to save cost we are going to shut them down in early 2024.

We have outlined a deprecation path on Wikitech (, please read the page if you are a maintainer of a tool or code that uses the ORES endpoint If you have any doubt or if you need assistance in migrating to Lift Wing, feel free to contact the ML team via:

- Email:
- Phabricator: #Machine-Learning-Team tag
- IRC (Libera): #wikimedia-ml

The Machine Learning team is available to help projects migrate, from offering advice to making code commits. We want to make this as easy as possible for folks.

High Level timeline:

*By September 30th 2023: Infrastructure powering the ORES API endpoint will be migrated from ORES to Lift Wing. For users, the API endpoint will remain the same, and most users won’t notice any change. Rather just the backend services powering the endpoint will change.

Details: We'd like to add a DNS CNAME that points to, a new endpoint that offers a almost complete replacement of the ORES API calling Lift Wing behind the scenes. In an ideal world we'd migrate all tools to Lift Wing before decommissioning the infrastructure behind, but it turned out to be really challenging so to avoid disrupting users we chose to implement a transition layer/API.

To summarize, if you don't have time to migrate before September to Lift Wing, your code/tool should work just fine on and you'll not have to change a line in your code thanks to the DNS CNAME. The ores-legacy endpoint is not a 100% replacement for ores, we removed some very old and not used features, so we highly recommend at least test the new endpoint for your use case to avoid surprises when we'll make the switch. In case you find anything weird, please report it to us using the aforementioned channels.

*September to January: We will be reaching out to every user of ORES we can identify and working with them to make the migration process as easy as possible.

*By January 2024: If all goes well, we would like zero traffic on the ORES API endpoint so we can turn off the ores-legacy API.

If you want more information about Lift Wing, please check

Thanks in advance for the patience and the help!


The Machine Learning Team
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