Been following the thread:"[Wikidata] Wikidata reconciliation
service and Ope Refine" with interest (on the general list - and wanted to give a reference to
some public R&D activity in the financial data area, that may
have broader application in tools that assist with Wikidata entity
Orienting background from:
"A reconciliation service is a web service that, given some text
which is a name or label for something, and optionally some
additional details, returns a ranked list of potential entities
matching the criteria. The candidate text does not have to match
each entity's official name perfectly, and that's the whole point
of reconciliation--to get from ambiguous text name to precisely
identified entities. "
On to the tip...
Paper: Financial Entity Identification and Information Integration
(FEIII) Challenge: The Report of the Organizing Committee Mark
Flood John Grant Haiping Luo Louiqa Raschid Ian Soboroff Kyungjin
"The Year One [2016] goal of the Financial Entity Identification
and Information Integration (FEIII) Challenge was to develop
technologies to automatically align diverse financial entity
identification schemes and identifiers. This will be an important
first step in developing a reference financial entity identifier
knowledge base linking heterogeneous collections of financial
entity identifiers. Such a (Linked Data) knowledge base will help
to overcome a fundamental road- block to successful information
integration, i.e., the resolution of mentions or references to the
same financial entity across the financial landscape of financial
contract prospectus, regulatory filings, transactional records,
news articles, social media, etc. "
"In the 2017 program they proceed to trying to identify
RELATIONSHIPS between entities"
"The challenge: Identify relationships among financial entities.
Given sentences from SEC regulatory filings that mention
roles/relationships with other entities, rank the sentences in
order of importance with respect to the relationships and
financial activities."
[data set and instructions for the 2017 challenge]
Paper: FEIIY2_README.pdf
"In Year One [2016] , we posed an IDENTIFIER ALIGNMENT challenge:
Given four databases of financial entities from four different
sources, participants needed to find the entities in common across
the databases. "
"For Year Two [2017], we are continuing with the theme of
IDENTIFYING and understanding RELATIONSHIPS among financial
entities and the roles that they play in financial CONTRACTS."
Selected "Role" [relationship] Keywords [Source: above]
[What is interesting is Parent company and subsidiary here seem to
have potential reuse for parent/child type relationships in many
other domains.]
SUBSIDIARY COMPANY: A company that satisfies the criteria that
more than 50% of the
voting shares are owned by another company; the latter company
AFFILIATE(D) COMPANY: Company, or other organization related
through common
ownership, common control of management or owners, or through
some other control
mechanism, such as a long-term lease.
[Other keywords for RELATIONSHIP between entities below.]
Thought the above might be of some use to designers of Wkidata
reconciliation services. I'm working mostly on Projects concerning
Companies in Wikidata/Wikipeda, where reconciliation services is a
huge challenge.
PS - other Keywords of interest in the 2017 Challenge [Source:
Note: The term PERSON includes LEGAL PERSON which can be a
AGENT: A person that is designated by another person (the
principal) to act on behalf of the
principal in specified activities.
COUNTERPARTY: Given a person or party of interest (in a trade),
the party faces a
counterparty; there can be more than one counterparty.
GUARANTOR: A legal arrangement involving a promise by a person
(guarantor) to perform the
obligations of a second person (or many persons), in the event
that the latter person fails to
meet their obligations.
INSURER: A person who, through a contractual agreement, undertakes
to compensate
specified losses, liability, or damages incurred by the person of
ISSUER: This term refers to an issuer of securities which
are (1) registered under Section 12 of
the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, or (2) required to file
reports under Section 15(d) of that
Act, or (3) has filed a registration statement with the SEC.
SELLER: Exchanges a good or service in exchange for a payment.
SERVICER: Typically a person that collects payments from one
party and makes payments to
another party.
TRUST: An (ancient) legal practice where one person
(GRANTOR) transfers the legal title to an
ASSET, also called the principal or corpus or property, to
another person (TRUSTEE), with
specific instructions about how the ASSET is to be managed and
TRUSTEE: Person who is given legal title to, and management
authority over, the property
placed in a TRUST.
UNDERWRITER: A person that assumed the risk of purchasing
securities from the issuing
entity and reselling them to the public, either directly or
through dealers.
The role terms are often modified as follows:
administrative agent calculation agent co-documentation agents
co-syndication agents
life insurance agent placement agent remarketing agent transfer
bankruptcy trustee debenture trustee guarantee trustee property
securitization trustee successor trustee
When deciding whether a role is being described, we can ask these
following questions:
* Who is the Person (LEGAL Person) playing the role of TRUSTEE?
* What is the associated TRUST?
* What are the ASSETs and instructions of the associated TRUST?
* What action is being taken by the TRUSTEE or why is the trustee
mentioned in this statement?
* Who is the PARENT COMPANY?
* What is the business purpose of the AFFILIATE COMPANY?
* Why is the AFFILIATE COMPANY being mentioned in this statement?
* What was issued?
* Why is the ISSUER being mentioned?
* What is being guaranteed?
* What are the terms of the guarantee?
* Who is the GUARANTOR?