
We are having issues launching a local copy of wikidata, when we use the 'importDump.php' tool, below the issues that we are facing.
If somebody has an idea of how we could solve this, please let me know. We are also considering professional services to get fixes for this being released in case somebody is professionally consulting around wikibase.


Here the issues:
if I try to load the full dump, the error I get is:
root@4fc8cc9b76b3:/var/www/html/maintenance# php importDump.php  --conf ../LocalSettings.php  ../images/wikidatawiki-20191101-pages-articles-multistream.xml.bz2
Warning: XMLReader::read(): uploadsource://d0cd78c216b067ffdd60946c258db6a7:45: parser error : Extra content at the end of the document in /var/www/html/includes/import/WikiImporter.php on line 646
Warning: XMLReader::read():   </siteinfo> in /var/www/html/includes/import/WikiImporter.php on line 646
Warning: XMLReader::read():              ^ in /var/www/html/includes/import/WikiImporter.php on line 646
You might want to run rebuildrecentchanges.php to regenerate RecentChanges,

If I try to load a partial dump, the warnings that I get (which I think those mean nothing is loading) are:
root@4fc8cc9b76b3:/var/www/html/maintenance# php importDump.php  --conf ../LocalSettings.php  ../images/wikidatawiki-20191020-pages-meta-current1.xml-p1p235321.bz2
Revision 1033865598 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q15" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
Revision 1034542603 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q17" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
Revision 1032554298 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q18" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
Revision 1032534215 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q20" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
Revision 1026713626 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q21" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
Revision 1023703278 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q22" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
Revision 1032815802 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q25" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.
Revision 1032910600 using content model wikibase-item cannot be stored on "Q26" on this wiki, since that model is not supported on that page.