Hello guys,
we have had a discussion about how entity redirects should be
implemented and there is also an overview on meta.wikimedia.org [1].
Now the people I discussed with agreed that the second option [2] is
the best one and that we should use it. However, in the recent week
there did not come any more feedback so I suppose that everyone is
fine with #2.
My questions concern the further development process of this
feature. If nobody has any objections within 24 hours I will add a
note to the page and would like to start discussing in a more
detailed way how the feature should be implemted. Furthermore I
would also like to implement some first changes to speed up the fix
of this change. Please provide me some feedback and enhancements how
the next steps should look like and what has to be discussed before
starting to write some code.
Best regards,
[2] Implement redirects as a "mode" any EntityContent may