So I would like to create a statement with a qualifier, in one go.

I do *not* want to use wbcreateclaim/wbsetqualifier if possible.

I have tried:
claim={ "type": "claim", "mainsnak": { "snaktype": "value", "property": "P50", "datatype": "wikibase-item", "datavalue": { "value": { "entity-type": "item", "numeric-id": 2069573 }, "type": "wikibase-entityid" } }, "qualifiers": { "P1545": [ { "snaktype": "value", "property": "P1545", "datavalue": { "value": "8", "type": "string" }, "datatype": "string" } ] }, "rank": "normal" }

But it complains about the missing GUID. Is there a way to create one automatically? Or to "fake" it? Neither the API or the docs on were helpful in that respect.