Dear Mr.,
I thank you for your answer. It works.
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki

De : Wikidata <> de la part de James Hare <>
Envoyé : lundi 20 août 2018 15:21
À : Discussion list for the Wikidata project
Cc : Wikidata technical discussion
Objet : Re: [Wikidata] A problem with QuickStatements
If I’m not mistaken, the PubMed ID at the end of your statement needs to be wrapped in quotes.

Q18557565 P5642 Q662860 P1542 Q217690 S698 “27125965”

Sent from my iPad

On Aug 20, 2018, at 7:05 AM, Houcemeddine A. Turki <> wrote:

Dear Mr. or Ms.;
I thank you for your efforts. I tried to add the following statement using QuickStatements
Q18557565 P5642 Q662860 P1542 Q217690 S698 27125965.
The statement is added. However, the PubMed ID of the reference was not added. I ask if this matter can be fixed.
Yours Sincerely,
Houcemeddine Turki
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