Hello - 

Would it be possible to get an example dump of the data from the wikibase-registry running here: http://wikibase-registry.wmflabs.org/

and then a demo of how to import that data into a fresh install?

Basically, what I was hoping for would be:

- the example command line to create a dump file with the contents (json? rdf?) 
(maybe running
"docker-compose exec wikibase php ./extensions/Wikibase/repo/maintenance/dumpJson.php " 
per the docker-compose readme from 
https://github.com/wmde/wikibase-docker/blob/master/README-compose.md )

- where on a fresh wikibase-docker setup to copy the resulting JSON file 

- the command on a fresh wikibase-docker install to import the JSON file

At the end of it, I was hoping to have a wikibase with some data by which I compare against the wikibase-registry - something that's small and easy to understand, but also easy to modify and experiment with, and most importantly correct and something I can compare against a known good example. 

My apologies if this is a nonsense request - I'm still trying to be sure I've figured out the pieces of wikibase, so I'm hoping this will help me answer my own questions/ask better questions.

Thank you!
