Dear Wikibase Community,

There is something we would like to share with you. :- )

We hereby announce that the Wikibase 2022 Release for MediaWiki 1.37 has been published and on Docker Hub.

You can find the links to important documentation related to the release here:

This new release brings Wikibase and other components of the Wikibase Suite to a version compatible with MediaWiki 1.37.

Please note that, for technical reasons, Federated Properties are disabled and not available in this release. Users who have used experimental Federated Properties functionality in previous versions will not see their properties after the update, and might encounter some unexpected technical glitches. A new experimental Federated Properties version will be included in the next Wikibase Suite release, compatible with Mediawiki 1.38.

This release is only compatible with PHP 7.2-7.4. Specifically, this version will not work in systems running PHP 8 and newer.

Please note that Mediawiki 1.37 is expected to become end-of-life and receive support from its maintainers with the release of Mediawiki 1.39, expected to happen in November. We will shortly release another Wikibase Suite version, compatible with Mediawiki 1.38, and we recommend all users to watch for our announcement and update their Wikibase installations as soon as the update is available.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask on this mailing list or leave a comment at Talk:Wikibase/FAQ.


Valerie Wollinger
Community Communications Manager Wikibase

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