
Wikibase is amazing software, and if some of the tools being developed for Wikidata can be re-purposed for Wikibase, its potential grows even more exponentially.  (In the same way that some extensions and the ease of upgrading made Mediawiki a much more desirable CMS than it might have otherwise been.)

I was hoping people could share what their projects are, a little bit about the project and its purpose.  In this context, I was hoping people might be willing to share what your priorities are as it relates to Wikibase and meeting project goals.

In case you don't know, Miguel and I are involved with ParaSports Data. ParaSports Data is a disability and disability sports knowledge base that can serve as a powerful resource for academics, NGOs and other stakeholders in the area of disability rights and disability sports. ParaSport Data was conceived in 2016 as a resource for structured data about disability and disability sport, including facts like dates, performance results, disability population sizes, event information, and classification related data. Using Wikipedia and Wikidata as a model, it seeks to be the largest single knowledgebase about disability and disability sport that allows for stakeholders to search, analyze and re-use this data to draw awareness to disability, disability sports and human rights as an extension of those two things. The purpose of this project is to create a data set of Paralympic, Deaflympic, Special Olympics, other disability sports and general disability information for use by researchers.

As it relates to Wikibase, our immediate needs and concerns around these needs probably fall into the following four areas:

1.  Upgrading MediaWiki, Wikibase, the Query Engine, and installing Extension:OAuth and Quick Statements. This is not explained anywhere, and the best process as we understand it is outlined at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/329028278_Wikibase_Upgrade_Workflow .  It makes it scary to do on our own as there is no process, lack of documentation and it is hard to locate others who have successfully done this.
2. Better optimizing the Wikibase software and query engine so it uses fewer server resources.   (This partly ties into point three.)
3.  Identifying funding sources to pay for our installation as I currently pay out of pocket for all hosting, and this is not a long term solution.
4.  Improving bulk data import on Wikibase to prevent fewer errors, and need to merge items after the fact.   This is because either the Wikibase software or the way we bulk import only exact matches item names.  If in bulk creating items, an item description is different than the existing one, it creates a new item. Statements are then added to the lowest Q number when adding statements based on an item name match.

What are your priorities as it comes to your own installations? :)

twitter: purplepopple