
> Do you mind if some people
> from Crossref join the call?

I'm sure you'd be welcome. Our meetings are public, and we're an open-entry user group in any case.

I'm guessing you're most interested in the presentation, but if you want context on the second agenda item, see prior election mailing list threads.

If your team is looking for interactive support getting Wikibase running, the community Telegram group may also be useful (assuming you can get to it):

From the other thread:

> I've not yet installed WikiBase, but I'm 
> browsing the mailing list to see if it's
> worth even trying for my use case.
> That would be 100 million items
> and 1 billion statements.

I figure you might be looking into Wikibase with respect to and related pieces?

Wikidata itself, which runs on Wikibase, is almost 100 million items with ~1.25 billion statements:

Wikidata does not run on the docker distribution, but many of its customisations are due to its scale of access, not size, and it uses commodity-level server hardware as outlined here and at the linked pages, which might be useful if you want to try it yourself:

Best regards
Laurence "GreenReaper" Parry