Dea all,

Apologies! The original email I sent was meant for the Wikibase Stakeholder Group, and not the User Group mailing list! 

In any case, I assume many of you are members of both lists. If this email doesn't make sense to you, please ignore. If you are curious and want to learn more, feel free to reach out to me.

Kind regards,

On Thu, Jul 8, 2021 at 5:17 PM Goeke-Smith, Jeffrey <> wrote:
Please enjoy a PDF of my slides.

From: Lozana Rossenova <>
Sent: Thursday, July 8, 2021 11:14 AM
To: Goeke-Smith, Jeffrey
Cc: Wikibase Community User Group
Subject: Follow up from meeting 2021-07-08

Dear all,

Thanks to everyone who attended the meeting – great presentation and discussion!
For those who missed it, check out the notes in the agenda doc:<;!!HXCxUKc!nZKbJAY-LAo1HNYvrJY0oZKlCgI-B_TDx3hgJJaOlj3kixzNRKPc4MpJrDstCwI$>

@Jeff – would you be willing to share your slides with us – as a PDF? You can respond to this email and make sure to CC the group email so everyone gets it.

@ Everyone else – if you want to keep group discussions going or reach out to specific group members for follow up – feel free to use the google group email address as a mailing list, it should work (I hope). Or consult the notepad members list for contact info:<;!!HXCxUKc!nZKbJAY-LAo1HNYvrJY0oZKlCgI-B_TDx3hgJJaOlj3kixzNRKPc4MpJ5pYmH5s$>

Many thanks & have a great summer break!

Looking forward to continuing the discussions in September.
All best,

Lozana Rossenova (PhD, London South Bank University)
Digital Archives Designer and Researcher

Lozana Rossenova (PhD, London South Bank University)
Digital Archives Designer and Researcher