Dear Community,

As some of you might have noticed: on March 27, 2023, Wikibase Cloud had a site-wide outage for a little over an hour due to an automated rollout of new Google Kubernetes nodes.

The team investigated that the ElasticSearch cluster had not recovered from the shutdown during the update, and a connectivity issue caused by a recently introduced technology for more observability of the Search cluster was suspected. 

We rolled back the technology and restarted different parts of the system to get Search working by Wednesday, 29th. However, some content may have been missing from ElasticSearch during the outage. We reloaded any changed content and backlog of jobs by April 1st. The issue has thus been resolved, and the team is currently testing to ensure complete resolution of Search issues.

We will update again on the topic of Search once this has been achieved.

Thanks for your understanding!

Valerie Wollinger (She/Her) on behalf of the Wikibase Cloud team.

Community Communications Manager Wikibase

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