You appear to have a single quote at the end of your password but not the start of it, while the username has it at the start and the end. Not sure if that reflects the original, though.

The documentation also says you must change:
mediawiki_api_url, mediawiki_rest_url or mediawiki_index_url for authentication

None of these are WIKIBASE_URL, although this may be necessary as well for the actual edits.

Lastly, I would suggest using a bot password and the Login method rather than Client login as documented above. They can probably be obtained from if logged in.

From: Matthew Ong <>
Sent: Saturday, February 10, 2024 3:27:55 AM
To: <>
Subject: [Wikibase-cloud] Basic question about how to log in to wikibase-cloud project using Wikibase Integrator

I am trying to write a Wikibase Integrator script to automate imports into my wikibase project. However I am having problems writing the log-in procedures. In the past I have used Wikibase Integrator to do something similar on Wikidata, for which the log-in procedures are simple since that site is the default for Wikibase Integrator.

In particular, it seems that the following code should suffice:

from wikibaseintegrator.wbi_config import config as wbi_config
from wikibaseintegrator import wbi_login, datatypes, WikibaseIntegrator

wbi_config["WIKIBASE_URL"] = '' #My actual project
login_instance = wbi_login.Clientlogin(user='USER', password=PASSWORD')
wbi = WikibaseIntegrator(login=login_instance)

Where USER and PASSWORD are what I use to login to the project directly.

But I get the error: wikibaseintegrator.wbi_login.LoginError: Login failed (wrongpassword). Message: 'Incorrect username or password entered. Please try again.'

I do not understand what is wrong.
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