Dear all,

I have just started using and have set up this instance:

I have added one property ( and imported some data (e.g.,

Now I would like to get a list of all items (their QIDs) with P1 present. I have tried the following query:

A short URL to query results:

But, unfortunately, it gives no results.

I suppose it maybe a config issue (I have just used the query service as it is available out-of-the box with a new instance).

Also, due to the nature of the values assigned P1 which are longer texts, I have set up String and Monolingual text to a maximum of 2000 chars. I hope it won’t be an underlying issue for the query but I am just noting it here as the config page mentions that “Longer than default lengths (which are used on Wikidata) is generally untested and might have some unexpected outcomes.”

What (and where) should I check or set up to make the query service work?

Or how should I change my query to make it return the results I hope for :-)?

Thank you in advance for your help!


Linda Jansova
National Library of the Czech Republic