Hi Matthew,

Looking at https://framenet-akkadian.wikibase.cloud/wiki/Special:LongPages
... it seems like at least one Lexeme is pushing 1MB. This might be a natural boundary for the limit of an upload size (or 2MB which is likely about what it takes to upload in Unicode - this is also the default limit for many web servers, although it can be increased; it may be necessary for Wikibase.cloud to do so in this case).

There is a ticket requesting to document the maximum request size at https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T324350

It looks like https://docker-registry.wikimedia.org/dev/buster-php74-fpm/tags/ 1.0.0-s3 and https://docker-registry.wikimedia.org/dev/buster-apache2/tags/ 2.0.0-s1 are used for the MediaWiki components based on https://github.com/wbstack/mediawiki/blob/main/dist/docker-compose.yml but I am not sure what they specify for max upload size or how WMDE should change it.

There was also previously an issue where a sense could not be edited/added correctly: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T199896

Because of this, or for other reasons (e.g. difficulty in identifying changes), it may be that the tool you are using just submits the whole entity rather than changes to it. This seems to be the case for WikibaseIntegrator using the write() method, based on the discussion here: https://github.com/LeMyst/WikibaseIntegrator/issues/463

The user's suggestion there to use wbcreateclaim for additions might potentially work better?

Best regards,
Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry - WikiFur/WBUG

From: Matthew Ong <matthewcong@gmail.com>
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2024 11:44:18 pm
To: wikibase-cloud@lists.wikimedia.org <wikibase-cloud@lists.wikimedia.org>
Subject: [Wikibase-cloud] Problem with 413 Client Error


I have been using WikibaseIntegrator to import a large amount of data to my wikibase-cloud project. I recently started getting the following error when importing certain forms/statements under the lexeme.write() command:

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 413 Client Error: Request Entity Too Large for url: https://framenet-akkadian.wikibase.cloud/w/api.php

Although it seems clear this is because the 'lexeme' is too big, I don't know exactly why it should be considered big on my machine's end. I don't add a lot of information at any one time. It happens only for forms of one particular lexeme, which has quite a lot of forms relatively speaking as well as statements under those forms.  
