> 1. Popups in statements are not displaying (with message "There was an issue dispalying this preview")

I reported this issue when the platform was WBStack:
It appears to remain an issue. The underlying task to support extracts in Wikibase is owned by Wikidata with low priority and has not been materially updated since September 2018:

It may be appropriate to refile this on Phabricator under Wikibase.cloud to disable Popups linking to that issue. Although really I think WMDE product should be going through all the issues on the WBStack account as most remain as issues.

> 2. I cannot get any results from Query Service, even for simple queries.

You have not specified your prefixes. wd: is Wikidata; that default is maintained even though autosuggest suggests that it will use local data items. Which was another bug reported on WBStack: https://github.com/wbstack/queryservice-ui/issues/4

You can override them with the following:
PREFIX wd: <https://indxr.wikibase.cloud/entity/>
PREFIX wdt: <https://indxr.wikibase.cloud/prop/direct/>

But personally I would suggest using your own custom prefixes to make crystal clear that you are not using Wikidata, e.g. https://furry.wikibase.cloud/wiki/Project:SPARQL/examples#Conventions

Laurence 'GreenReaper' Parry - WBUG