Thanks Basil!

I'm trying to add a websive with the Bookmarklet but it fails. It reloads and sends me to the main page, instead of opening the edit form:

Steps to reproduce:

1. Go to
2. Type in something in Name:
3. Click on the button
4. The form reloads. Click on the "Add website" button.

The page should go to a form, but instead it goes to the main page.

Also, may be related:

Trying to edit a website with a form, results in an exception

For example this page:

[fb9a9db2937517c53d083ab8] [no req] Error from line 113 of /srv/www/mediawiki/public_html/w/extensions/SemanticForms/includes/forminputs/SF_TextInput.php: Call to undefined method ApiMain::getResultData()

Ciencia Al Poder

2018-05-24 17:58 GMT+02:00 T. Basil Hershberger <>:

The new WikiApiary site at is nearing completion and we would appreciate it if the members of this list could test it and tell us if you find anything out of the ordinary or anything that is missing.
Any and all help would be appreciated.


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