Hi everybody,
We’re preparing for the July 2016 research newsletter and looking for contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201607 and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target publication date is Monday August 1 UTC although actual publication might happen several days later. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.
Highlights from this month: • An Empirical Evaluation of Property Recommender Systems for Wikidata and Collaborative Knowledge Bases • Breaking the glass ceiling on Wikipedia • Centrality and Content Creation in Networks - The Case of Economic Topics on German Wikipedia • Centrality and Content Creation in Networks - The Case of Economic Topics on German Wikipedia • Comparative assessment of three quality frameworks for statistics derived from big data: the cases of Wikipedia page views and Automatic Identification Systems • Competencias informacionales básicas y uso de Wikipedia en entornos educativos • Computational Science and Its Applications • Controversy Detection in Wikipedia Using Collective Classification • Discovery and efficient reuse of technology pictures using Wikimedia infrastructures. • Dynamics and Biases of Online Attention: The Case of Aircraft Crashes • Evaluating and Improving Navigability of Wikipedia: A Comparative Study of Eight Language Editions • Extracting Scientists from Wikipedia • From Digital Library Citation Parsing to Wikipedia Reference Analysis • Monitoring the Gender Gap with Wikidata Human Gender Indicators • Platform affordances and data practices: The value of dispute on Wikipedia • Stationarity of the inter-event power-law distributions • Using Wikipedia to Teach Discipline Specific Writing • 日本の大学生のWikipediaに対する信憑性認知,学習における利用実態とそれらに影響を与える要因 (Google Translate: Factors that give Japan's credibility awareness of Wikipedia of college students, use in learning actual situation and the impact on them)
If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch off-list.
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli