"This gem will perform a whitepaper lookup on major scholarly databases. Its purpose is to easily find related papers and organize your paper collection. With this application, you can easily download pdfs or use it as a library to automatically assign metadata.
"Currently, CiteSeerX, ACM and IEEE are the only databases it uses along with a google pdf/ps search to find other pdf or ps links to download."
The author says it is just for personal use.
Sumana Harihareswara, 28/01/2013 15:43:
"This gem will perform a whitepaper lookup on major scholarly databases. Its purpose is to easily find related papers and organize your paper collection. With this application, you can easily download pdfs or use it as a library to automatically assign metadata.
"Currently, CiteSeerX, ACM and IEEE are the only databases it uses along with a google pdf/ps search to find other pdf or ps links to download."
The author says it is just for personal use.
Sunir Shah's is probably more appropriate...