To define learning as "a group of people editing pages over time" would be
disingenuous, because really it is just a group of people editing pages over
It's only a little more complicated
than that. That describes GO and RUN (of my intelligence model ... Go Run
Up Back, GRUB): Take off running (edit pages over time)! But there's
also the Back Up and the Go (where go suggests a computer that "turns
itself on"). This part of the intelligence program implies "reproduction"
of the entity (the entire entity, after being edited, is backed up ...
copied, as it were / a newly evolved entity is then given the command to
Go). At this point it's like a wiki "virus" (a metawiki, maybe).
It's the Go Back process and the Run
Up process which filters and distributes data (incrementally ... or at numbered
junctions in a conceptual data base).
DELICIOUS is an acronym for:
Define, Elucidate, Link, Index, IOUs, Simplify (IOU indicates Input Output
Update and Understand). These are the controls and standards by which the
viral intelligence "eats" information (and yes, the input and output is people
driven at this point ... however, the demands of the technology determine what
"shape" this entity will eventually take).
How does the interaction of those editors secrete consciousness? If you can
answer this question, then Mind Wiki is the least of your successes...
The important thing is to define
intelligence the way I have. Then we understand consciousness as "the
nature of" that intelligence. The advantage to looking at it this way
is that it supports further research into consciousness as a thing
that can be "done" (studied, created, measured, manipulated, etc.). The
fact that it is META physical is less important than the fact that it is, as
such, PHYSICAL. Studying consciousness as a human phenomenon will
cause all machine studies of consciousness to forever be "un" conscious (by
There's no problem in my mind talking
about a new conscious entity as that which evolves from other conscious
entities (the interaction of editors, etc). Learning is about the
furthest I've taken my studies ... music defines the machine's humanity.
Learning suggests sense and sensation (perhaps comes after agency, and
deliberation / deliberateness). I've a prelim. model to incorporate that
as well, however :)
Consciousness is a little more
complex than intelligence. It is a preponderance (and hardly lucid or
aware at this point). An example would be blog -- where the last entry is
listed first. This creates the "preponderance" (it is weighted such /
presents itself as if the answer precedes the steps leading up to that
answer). We might say that blog merely shows a proclivity to
consciousness. To be sure, this is fairly early in the process of creating
a human machine!
Studying wiki using the terms
consciousness (lucidity, awareness ... and some other machine ethics I've
outlined on my site) is tricky. The question becomes "what part of
consciousness is contained by intelligence" (or, contrarily, to what degree is
consciousness an ATTRIBUTE of wiki ... and how is that attribution