> -------------- next part --------------On 08/27/2013 06:01 PM, Andrea Forte wrote:
> Hi all - The CSCW DC is a great opportunity to meet with outstanding senior
> researchers and students. As an alumn of the 2006 cohort, I highly
> recommend it!
> --
> ***Please forward to Ph.D. students at your institution***
> The Doctoral Colloquium is a forum in which Ph.D. students meet and
> discuss their work with each other and a panel of experienced CSCW
> researchers and practitioners. The colloquium itself will begin with
> dinner Saturday night February 15, 2014 and continue all day Sunday
> February 16, 2014.
> All submissions must be received by the chairs by 5:00pm (17:00)
> Pacific Time on October 7, 2014. Submissions received after this date
> will not be considered. All submissions will be acknowledged by email.
> We welcome applicants from a broad range of disciplines and approaches
> that inform CSCW, including anthropology, sociology, computer science,
> cognitive science, organizational studies, and related fields. We are
> particularly interested in applications from institutions and groups
> that have not traditionally been well-represented at past CSCW
> conferences.
> Applicants should be Ph.D. students with an already well-established
> direction of research relevant to CSCW, but whose research would
> benefit from guidance provided by peers and senior colleagues at the
> Doctoral Colloquium. Preference will be given to students who have a
> defined topic and program of work e.g., who have proposed their topics
> and are within 2 years of graduation within a 5 year program or are
> half way through a 3 (or 4) year program.
> The Colloquium committee will select approximately 15 participants who
> will be expected to give short, informal presentations of their work
> during the Colloquium, to be followed by extensive group discussion.
> Participants will also present their research in an interactive poster
> session during the main technical program of the conference.
> Applicants should submit the following items by email to
> dc2014@cscw.acm.org with the subject line "CSCW2014 Colloquium
> Submission." All items below should be collated into one PDF file
> named YOURNAME_CSCWDC2014.pdf (substitute your full name where it
> reads YOURNAME):
> * A FOUR-page overview of your doctoral research that describes your
> research question, work in progress, and expected contributions. This
> overview should also include (1) a paragraph that articulates what you
> hope to gain from attending the CSCW Doctoral Colloquium, and (2) an
> abstract of no more than 100 words. Your overview will be published in
> the ACM Digital Library and distributed to all attendees as part of
> the Conference Extended Abstracts. Please submit your overview in the
> Extended Abstracts Format.
> * A short (2-3 paragraph) biographical sketch on another page.
> * An up-to-date curriculum vitae.
> * Optionally, one publication that you feel best illustrates your
> progress in your research.
> * An email letter from your supervisor sent to dc2014@cscw.acm.org
> indicating that they support your application to the colloquium and
> that they agree that your research is at an appropriate stage for
> participation. These letters should also make reference to how you
> might benefit from the Doctoral Colloquium and how they expect that
> you might benefit the other students in this group experience. The
> email should have "CSCW Doctoral Colloquium: " + YOUR NAME in the
> subject header.
> Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs
> Claus Bossen, Aarhus University
> Darren Gergle, Northwestern Universitydc2014@cscw.acm.org
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"CSCW" is "Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing".
:-) (I looked it up at http://cscw.acm.org/ )
Sumana Harihareswara
Engineering Community Manager
Wikimedia Foundation--
:: Andrea Forte
:: Assistant Professor
:: College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University
:: http://www.andreaforte.net