Thanks, Nemo -- this [1] is really interesting info. Particularly, the demographics could be compared to Geiger & Ford "Participation in Wikipedia's Article Deletion Processes" WikiSym 2011:

A few things I needed to figure out:
Pdc ~= AfD English Wikipedia

total_count : Total number of pdc created in that particular month
total_weight : total size (in bytes) of the pdc opened during that month
total_users : total number of participants in the pdc in that month
total_users_edits_range_X : partitioning of the participants based on the number of edits . The calculation considers the edits in all our recording from the day before the opening of the pdc . If the user has participated in more pdc is considered as the reference date of the pdc older. The intervals considered are the following : < 50 , between 51 and 500 , between 501 and 5000 , > 5000
total_users_age_range_X : partitioning of the participants based on age. This is calculated as the difference between the record date and the date of creation of the pdc . If a user participates in more pdc is considered as the reference date of the pdc older. The ranges are : <6 months , between 6 and 12 months , between 1 and 2 years , between 2 to 3 years , > 3 years .
pdc_edits_avg and pdc_edits_std : mean and variance of the number of edits to pdc .
users_edits_avg and users_edits_std : mean and variance of the number of participants per pdc .

Hope to take a closer look soon!



On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 3:25 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo) <> wrote:
Not too long ago (May 2011), the Italian Wikipedia switched from its traditional vote-based deletion process to an open-ended discussion process (so called "consensus") similar to's (lege: chaos)
Some data is available about the effects and just waits to be analysed: , in response to my requests and .
The CSV is fairly self-explanatory but there's some more explanation at <> (in Italian; if machine translation doesn't suffice and you want more, just ask).

The maintainer of the deletion process maintenance bot is updating its software due to the future death of the Toolserver; he asked what sort of statistics would be most interesting to collect and expose on a regular basis.


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