ّIn addition to what emijrp introduced (which is the best source I know, however with some systematic errors and miss-leadings) I would add two articles.

In http://journals.chapman.edu/ojs/index.php/e-Research/article/view/69/277 some results on english wikipedia based on following the IP addresses are presented.
In http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030091, an estimation of the location of editors based on the temporal features of editorial activity is given.


On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 12:14 AM, emijrp <emijrp@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorry, the link I gave you has some tricky javascript and doesn't point to the correct section.

Try now http://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportsCountriesLanguagesVisitsEdits.htm

You have edit and pageview info by country. Please, check carefully, these tables are complicated and sometimes you think you understand some numbers but they have other meaning. Study them deeply!

2012/2/22 alina ostling <alinost@gmail.com>
Thanks for the link emijrp@gmail.com but I can only find editors per
language not per country: http://stats.wikimedia.org/EN/Sitemap.htm

This means that for English I will have editors from all over the
world, not only from the UK. I would need statistics for the UK and
France editors. Is this available somewhere?

I have a homepage where you can find more info about my research:


Grateful for any help!
Best, Alina

On 21 February 2012 20:55, emijrp <emijrp@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here you have some statistics by
> country http://stats.wikimedia.org/#countries
> Do you have any blog/site where we can read about your research progress?
> 2012/2/21 alina ostling <alinost@gmail.com>
>> Hi!
>> I am doing a PhD on online civic participation project
>> (e-participation). Within my research, I have carried out a user
>> survey, where I asked how many people ever edited/created a page on a
>> Wiki. Now I would like to compare the results with the overall rate of
>> wiki editing/creation on country level.
>> I've found some country-level statistics on Wikipedia Statistics (e.g.
>> 3,000 editors of Wikipedia articles in Italy) but data for UK and
>> France are not available since Wikipedia provides statistics by
>> languages, not by countries. I'm thus looking for statistics on UK and
>> France (but am also interested in alternative ways of measuring wiki
>> editing/creation in Sweden and Italy).
>> I would be grateful for any tips!
>> Sunny regards, Alina
>> --
>> Alina ÖSTLING
>> PhD Candidate
>> European University Institute
>> www.eui.eu

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