On Sun, Nov 4, 2012 at 4:57 PM, Ward Cunningham <ward@c2.com> wrote:
Aside: I have built a data mining tool and methodology, Exploratory Parsing, that can read all of Wikipedia in 10 seconds for a useful notion of "read".  I have also created a Federated Wiki that promotes wiki-like sharing without need for a common vision or agreed social norms. I intend to combine the two to make an experiment manager where setups are easily shared and where methodological improvements and/or research redirections easily build on other's work in progress.

What would our environment have to be like before our collaborative cycle time is reduced to days? 

I would highly encourage researchers interested in collaborative systems to take a look at Federated Wiki. Collaboration among experts is a very interesting potential use case, considering the way the wiki handles data and visualization, as well as the git-like way is allows for collaboration. 

Steven Walling