Hi everybody,

We’re preparing for the April 2016 research newsletter and looking for contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201604 and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Our target publication date is Wednesday April 27 UTC although actual publication might happen several days later. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.

Highlights from this month:


·       Bridging the gap between Wikipedia and academia

·       Centralizing content and distributing labor: a community model for curating the very long tail of microbial genomes

·       Der lexikographische Prozess im deutschen Wiktionary

·       Die Offenheitssemantik der Wikipedia

·       Disinformation on the Web: Impact, Characteristics, and Detection of Wikipedia Hoaxes

·       Estudio sobre el contenido de las Ciencias de la Documentación en la Wikipedia en español

·       Generating Article Placeholders from Wikidata for Wikipedia - Increasing Access to Free and Open Knowledge

·       LlamaFur: Learning Latent Category Matrix to Find Unexpected Relations in Wikipedia

·       The Evolution of Wikipedia's Norm Network

·       Towards a (De)centralization-Based Typology of Peer Production

·       Wikipedia and Stock Return: Wikipedia Usage Pattern Helps to Predict the Individual Stock Movement

·       Wikipedia in der Praxis

·       Writing a Wikipedia Article on Cultural Competence in Health Care

If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch off-list.

Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli

[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter