You interacted with living people through wikipedia and you're recorded information about whether they deleted your references. Many people (like myself) are directly traceable from their wikipedia accounts to their real-life identifies. 

How is a record of someone doing something not about them?


...let us be heard from red core to black sky

On Fri, Aug 12, 2016 at 2:04 PM, siddhartha banerjee <> wrote:
As I mentioned earlier, I was not sure about the multiple account policy. I got the notification about the incident being raised, and I will be happy with whatever decisions Wiki administrators make. 

As Denny mentioned, we did not plan anything large-scale but only for a small group of edits. Furthermore, we mentioned the results only being valid until a particular date before the submission of that conference paper and things may have already changed a lot (articles removed, edited further, etc). We have not made any additions since Feb, nor do we plan to do anything further. Whatever we do, would be offline. 

To Denny's point about other researchers trying to do the same kind of research, I do see research in this area coming up and it might make sense to have certain rules (although I do not have much idea on how these things work abt rules on Wiki in general.) I know this because some researchers have contacted me previously on this work, and they are also looking into similar areas. One example in this area of work is the following -- this is very recent:

Regarding human subjects, no reviewers in the conferences as well as any other person from Wikimedia mentioned anything on that earlier. Our previous works were featured earlier on Wikimedia newsletters (links in earlier emails) and still nothing on it was mentioned nor we found any information on Wikipedia in general about it. As per the requirements, approval would be necessary if: Data about living individuals through intervention or interaction or Identifiable private information about living individuals. As is mentioned. the "about" fact is very imp -- because nothing about editors data was used or collected in the research. 

If rules do change, I will keep following the thread and also please let me know -- I will try to inform to all researchers who work in this area if they get in touch with me.

-- Siddhartha

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