On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 8:53 AM, Audrey Abeyta <audrey.abeyta@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear Wikipedia contributors, 

Your valuable opinions are needed regarding users' motivations to contribute to Wikipedia. This topic is currently investigated by Audrey Abeyta, an undergraduate student at the University of California, Santa Barbara. You can read a more detailed description of the project here: http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Motivations_to_Contribute_to_Wikipedia

Looking at this survey...

Is this intended for USAians only?  I ask because of the following question:

What is your annual income?

I assume the currency referenced in USD?  If so, could you explicitly state this?  I live in Australia, which is also on the dollar.  New Zealand and Canada and Jamacia also use the dollar.  The dollar is the name of their national currency, but they are not USD.  Also, what are these numbers based on?  Do they correlate to Cost of Living categories for AUD$ , JAM$, NZD$, CAD$?  I do not see a question on the page with this question which asks which country and metro area a respondent is from.  My Cost of Living in Canberra will be much different than say some one in Rockford Illinois.

If there are no controls for this, the question should probably be jettisoned as completely useless garbage data.  I would also ask a question regarding native language speaking, WHAT Wikipedia a person contributes to, etc.  A person from Canada who is bilingual and edits primarily edits French Wikipedia is probably going to be very different than an Indian from New Delhi who has a third language of English and is editing English Wikipedia... but the survey questions allow no distinguishing of this.

What sort of controls have been taken to insure the data represents a cross section of the Wikipedia population?  And that say you don't have an over representation of women, when they make up only 10% of English Wikipedia's contributor base?  Ditto with regular contributors who make over 1,000 a month, how will they be controlled for and not over represented when compared to users who make less than 100 edits a month?

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