Dear Sir/Madam,


I am currently conducting a research survey on Wiki technology. The survey title is called "Survey on Adoption of Wiki Technology Innovation".


The objective of this survey is to deepen the understanding of the initial adoption of Wiki technology innovation by individuals in organizations, and the Wiki technology's diffusion within the organization. It is based on the theoretical framework of Roger's Diffusion of Innovation. I would appreciate your expert view and feedback on this survey. Also, I kindly seek your assistance in forwarding this email to your colleagues, friends, or anybody you think use wiki in organisational settings. I hope it will not take too much of your time and apologize for any inconveniences.


Here is a link to the survey: 


This short survey will take about 10-15 minutes to complete and will greatly assist in the study of the factors that influence the adoption Wiki technology innovation.


Thank you very much for your time!


Warmest Regards,

