Hello Giovanni, 
thanks for the pointer to the Click datasets. 
I'd have to take a look at the complete dataset, to see how much of those requests are touching wikipedia. 

Then, one of the requirements to access those datas is:
"The Click Dataset is large (~2.5 TB compressed), which requires that it be transferred on a physical hard drive. You will have to provide the drive as well as pre-paid return shipment. "

I have to check if this is possible and how long this might take to ship and send back an hard-drive from Switzerland.
I'll let you know !!


On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 4:09 PM, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia <gciampag@indiana.edu> wrote:

I didn't know such data existed. As an alternative, perhaps you could have a look at our click datasets, which contain requests to the Web at large (i.e., not just Wikipedia) generated from within the campus of Indiana University over a period of several months. HTH



Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia

✎ 919 E 10th ∙ Bloomington 47408 IN ∙ USA
+1 812 855-7261

2014-09-17 9:53 GMT-04:00 Valerio Schiavoni <valerio.schiavoni@gmail.com>:
just bumping my email from last week, since so far I did not get any answer.

Should I consider that dataset to be somehow lost ? 

I've also contacted the researchers who partially released it, but making it publicly available is tricky for them, due to its size (12 TB), which might instead be somehow in the norms of the operations taken daily by Wikipedia servers. 
Thanks again,

On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 4:15 AM, Valerio Schiavoni <valerio.schiavoni@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear WikiMedia foundation,
in the context of a EU research project [1], we are interested in accessing
wikipedia access traces.
In the past, such traces were given for research purposes to other groups
Unfortunately, only a small percentage (10%) of that trace has been made
made available (10%).
We are interested in accessing the totality of that same trace (or even
better, a more recent one, but the same one will do).

If this is not the correct ML to use for such requests, could please anyone
redirect me to correct one ?

Thanks again for your attention,

Valerio Schiavoni
Post-Doc Researcher
University of Neuchatel, Switzerland

1 - http://www.leads-project.eu
2 - http://www.wikibench.eu/?page_id=60

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