Sorry ... What we have in our projects is NOT a solution waiting for a problem.

On 16 August 2014 08:10, Gerard Meijssen <gerard.meijssen@gmail.com> wrote:
The question what platform we should support is very much a function of what application we have for such a platform. What we have in our projects is a solution waiting for a problem. So when we find a solution, consequently a platform we do not support yet, the next question to ask is: does it fit our mission statement.. ie sharing in the sum of all knowledge. When it does and, when an analysis finds that it is worth our while to spend money and time on it, mwe should. Otherwise, it can be left to people who build on top of what we have.

So when there are a few thousand glassheads, they wear an experimental platform and are likely to have ample opportunity to get to our data anyway... so certainly not for now. Large displays are used a lot and they then ARE what people use.. Given that it is the same problem as with a phone or tablet (scaling) it makes sense to consider this..

Application, application.. and obviously what we aim to achieve decides the platform we support I would say.

On 15 August 2014 23:21, Pine W <wiki.pine@gmail.com> wrote:

Following up on Lila's Wikimania keynote: what platforms and devices should we have in mind when making decisions today or in the near future about Wikimedia content creation and delivery?

*Digital eyewear?

*Smart watches?

*3D displays?

*Large format displays?

*Health monitoring devices?

*Smart homes and buildings?

*Computer-led education systems in classrooms and remote learning?

*Driverless or semi-driverless cars?

*GPS-enabled devices of all sizes?

*Artificially intelligent consumers of Wikimedia content?

I would be interested in hearing others' thoughts.



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