Hello fellow list members,

Are you aware of any qualitative studies that do research on the experiences and/or problems of new/yet unexperienced Wikipedia authors?

I searched on scholar and informally asked some colleges. The best I found were some surveys with free text fields (which were already pretty interesting) but I wonder if there are any interview/observation based studies with a more formal analysis of data (e.g. thematic analysis or Grounded Theory etc.)

Kind Regards,

PS: Since I'm new to the list: I recently started working as designer and user researcher at Wikimedia Deutschland and since I use qualitative and quantitative methods as part of my work I'm looking forward to participate in the discussions on this list.

Jan Dittrich
UX Design/ User Research

Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. | Tempelhofer Ufer 23-24 | 10963 Berlin
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