From my perspective, this endless talk, these ever shifting sands prevent chapters in many ways to branch out and do things that are not necessarily the best from a global point of view but are the best from a local point of view. Do appreciate that many of these discussions are not happening on a level playing field with too much consideration given to the Anglo Saxon point of view and practice.
When I observe the funding and the allocation of money to chapters it is a case in point. For regulatory purposes the Dutch chapter cannot use "Wikipedia" in its funding mission because it is exclusively used by the WMF. At the same time, the Dutch chapter is asked to support fundraising in the Netherlands AND is asked to substantially do its own fundraising. Other chapters do not need funding from the WMF and they do as they see fit, they are not restricted by all this continuous talk.
I have also observed that the WMF has its own agenda and when projects fail because of said agenda, it is still the others who are to blame. This is something I observed in a project that I got funding for. To make it worse, the reason why part of my project failed is remembered but not the part where my project got screwed because prerequisites needed from the WMF were not met.