Hi everybody,
We’re preparing for the November 2016 research newsletter and looking for contributors. Please take a look at: https://etherpad.wikimedia.org/p/WRN201611 and add your name next to any paper you are interested in covering. Reviews should be in before December 14. As usual, short notes and one-paragraph reviews are most welcome.
Highlights from this month:
- Black Lives Matter in Wikipedia: Collaboration and Collective Memory around Online Social Movements
- DePP: A System for Detecting Pages to Protect in Wikipedia
- Digital Heritage. Progress in Cultural Heritage: Documentation, Preservation, and Protection
- Docforia: A Multilayer Document Model
- Does astronomy research become too dated for the public? Wikipedia citations to astronomy and astrophysics journal articles 1996-2014
- Election Prediction Based on Wikipedia Pageviews
- Establishing and Evaluating Digital Ethos and Online Credibility
- Finding and Expanding Hypernymic Relations in the Music Domain
- Game with a Purpose for mappings verification
- Hierarchical Question Answering for Long Documents
- How Many People Constitute a Crowd and What Do They Do? Quantitative Analyses of Revisions in the English and German Wiktionary Editions
- Measuring Quality of Collaboratively Edited Documents: the case of Wikipedia
- On Emerging Entity Detection
- Predicting Importance of Historical Persons Using Wikipedia
- Relationship between personality and attitudes to Wikipedia
- Social patterns and dynamics of creativity in Wikipedia
- Travel Attractions Recommendation with Knowledge Graphs
- What Makes a Link Successful on Wikipedia?
If you have any question about the format or process feel free to get in touch off-list.
Masssly, Tilman Bayer and Dario Taraborelli
[1] http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Research:Newsletter