A complementary approach is to look at discussion threads in talk pages, where issues are explicitly discussed, like we did in this study: http://airwiki.elet.polimi.it/index.php/When_the_Wikipedians_Talk
We are now rearranging the discussion parser and making it work for other language editions, we plan to release the code as free software soon. Feel free to contact me for any further information.


On 20/08/13 10:55, Taha Yasseri wrote:
Dear Marcio,

On this page http://wwm.phy.bme.hu/ , you can find some information about how we have defined controversy in Wikipedia, how we measured it, the results and the controversy scores for all articles in different language editions and of course the software we developed to do these.

Please do not hesitate to post me off-list if you have any question regarding that.

On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 9:46 AM, Laura Hale <laura@fanhistory.com> wrote:

On Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:52 PM, Marcio Goncalves <jornalistamarcio@ig.com.br> wrote:
Hello, folks,
Is there any free software in wich I can analyse the number of controversies in a Wikipedia article?

Define controversy?

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