Bruno Miguel Tavares Gonçalves, PhD
Homepage: www.bgoncalves.com
Email: bgoncalves@gmail.com

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Chantal Bonner <chantalbonner@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Sep 5, 2016 at 11:00 AM
To: cna2016@iutdijon.u-bourgogne.fr

Dear Colleagues,

Due to many requests the submission deadline to COMPLEX NETWORKS 2016 is extended to: September 18, 2016 (Firm)



The Fifth International Workshop on Complex Networks and their Applications, 

Milan, Italy  November 30 – December 02, 2016


Full papers (up to 12 pages) and Extended Abstracts (up to 3 pages ) are welcome:


Keynote Speakers

Guido Caldarelli                       IMT Lucca - Italy

Raissa D’Souza                       U.C Davis - USA

Renaud Lambiotte                  University of Namur - Belgium

Yamir Moreno                            University of Zaragoza - Spain

Eiko Yoneki                                University of Cambridge - UK

Ben Y. Zhao                               U.C. Santa Barbara – USA


Tutorials : November 29, 2016


Ernesto Estrada                       University of Strathclyde – UK

Bruno Gonçalves                     New York University  – USA



Topics for the workshop include, but are not limited to:


·         Models of Complex Networks

·         Structural Network Properties

·         Complex Networks and Epidemics

·         Community Structure & Discovery

·         Motif Discovery

·         Complex Networks Mining

·         Dynamics on and of Complex Networks

·         Link Prediction

·         Multiplex Networks

·         Network Controllability

·         Synchronization in Networks

·         Algorithms for Network Analysis

·         Networks Visual Representation

·         Large-scale Graph Analytics

·         Social Reputation, Influence, and Trust

·         Information Spreading in Social Media

·         Rumor and Viral Marketing

·         Recommendation Systems and Networks

·         Financial and Economic Networks

·         Political networks

·         Complex Networks and Mobility

·         Biological and Technological Networks

·         Mobile call Complex Networks

·         Bio-informatics and Earth Sciences Applications

·         Resilience and Robustness

·         Networks for Physical Infrastructures

·         Networks, Smart Cities and Smart Grids




All contributions should be submitted via Easy chair.


Chantal Cherifi
Associate professor
University of Lyon 2 
IUT Lumière
- DISP Laboratory
(+33) 6 50 81 71 84