Hi Jonathan,

In the case of linking differences in presented gender related behavior on Quora when it comes to willingness to link to Wikipedia in answers, there appears to be a difference in willingness to link to Wikipedia while the overall willingness to link to external sites appears to be relatively similar.  

I am still collecting data for this as Quora does not allow data scraping and lacks an API, but I cannot see much of a change happening here.  I still need to write up the results when I get done with it.

I thought maybe someone here might be aware of differences  in  linking to Wikipedia behavior on a social network like Twitter or Facebook (or even older sites like LiveJournal) or potentially just differences in link sharing patterns in general, as they have more open systems (to a degree) that more easily allow for checking external links.

Laura Hale

On Friday, June 19, 2015, Jonathan Morgan <jmorgan@wikimedia.org> wrote:
Hi Laura,

I'm not aware of any. Do you think there might be gender differences at play here? 

- Jonathan

twitter: purplepopple