I forgot to say: the WikiTrust analysis is not based on just comparing consecutive revisions.  It compares each revision with many subsequent ones, computing an average of how much the revision is kept.  

I had put a short writeup on this at http://www.wikitrust.net/computing-wiki-statistics


On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 11:21 AM, Luca de Alfaro <luca@dealfaro.org> wrote:
If you run WikiTrust on a dump, and you compute the "statistics", this gives you, for each revision, a score between -1 and +1, where: 
  • -1 = perfectly reverted
  • 0 = heavily modified
  • +1 = perfectly preserved
It also tells you how big the change was.  So, if you wanted to run this analysis on a dump, it would be failry trivial and fast (say, half a day for the Italian wikipedia?  One day for the German one?).  We would be happy to provide the details. 

Of course, this would just give you a measure of how much of each contribution is kept.  It would not tell you much about the intellectual contribution -- your adding a date for an event, will be judges as much as a bot adding a new category to the revision (both 1-word changes). 

But at least, it could be a quick start?  And more could be built on that? 


On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 10:59 AM, Said Hamideh <said.hamideh@mindbounce.com> wrote:
I skipped over the part where you started by talking about bots. Sorry I was just thinking about the beautiful intellectual productivity that arises from revert wars between two human beings, at least for me. 

On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 12:52 PM, Joseph Reagle <reagle@mit.edu> wrote:
On Friday 06 November 2009, Said Hamideh wrote:
> Joseph, as someone who doesn't follow every discussion in this thread, I am
> curious as to how you are defining "productive"?

Yes, it requires some synthetic variable, of which there are a few in the quant literature. (For example, Priedhorsky et al. defined a damaged article view (DAV).) However, it could be something as simple as what Spinellis and Louridas (2008) imply: a reversion is evidence of an unproductive contribution (ignoring revert wars for the moment), and so what percentage of all edits to WP are reverts? Has this changed over time.

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