Hey folks,

I just finished working with Amir[1,2] and building off of some of Morten's work[3] to put together something that I think you're going to like.  

Halfaker, Aaron (2016): Monthly Wikipedia article quality predictions. figshare. 
Retrieved: 00 56, Oct 12, 2016 (GMT)

This dataset contains a row for every article-month since 20010101.  Each row has an article quality prediction based on text-only machine classifier (from [3] with slight improvement) and hosted by ORES[4].  We've managed to build models for English, French, and Russian Wikipedia, so I've generated datasets for each of those wikis.  It's current as of 2016-08-01 and I plan to run updates periodically.

Here are the columns:
I'll update the docs based on your questions :) 

1. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/p/Ladsgroup/
2. https://github.com/Ladsgroup
3. http://www-users.cs.umn.edu/~morten/publications/wikisym2013-tellmemore.pdf
4. https://ores.wikimedia.org/
