Apologies for cross-posting.


I remind you that research on Wikipedia, wikis (from many points of view) and exploring interactions between FLOSS Development Communities and OpenContents Communities, fall into the scope of this Minitrack.

We will work to help best papers authors to publish their contributions on top-rated, international research publications.


*REMINDER: Call for Papers HICSS 42 Minitrack on Open Movements*

*Full papers deadline: 15 June*. Less than 2 weeks left.

Conference will be held from 5-8 January, 2009.

*We are still open to accept reviewers for submitted papers*. Please contact Minitrack Co-Chairs if you want to be included in the pool of reviewers.

If you have doubts or you need some guidance about the contents on your paper, please do not hesitate to contact Minitrack Co-chairs:

Minitrack Co-chairs:

Felipe Ortega (Primary Contact)
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Tulipán s/n28933 Mostoles, Madrid, Spain
Phone: +34-91-488-8523
Email: jfelipe@gsyc.es
URL: http://libresoft.urjc.es/

Kevin Crowston
School of Information Studies
Syracuse University
348 Hinds HallSyracuse, NY 13244-4100 USA
Phone: +1-315-443-1676
Email: crowston@syr.edu
URL: http://crowston.syr.edu/


The Minitrack focuses on research about Open Movements phenomena,
including FLOSS, Open Contents and Open Communities from many different
perspectives. We accept papers on social networks, and coordination and
distributed collaboration in OC and OComm, community development and its
evolution, knowledge management and learning, content development in
these environments, as well as analysis and assesment of these processes.

Topics and research areas include, but are not limited to:

* Issues in distributed software development for FLOSS
* Issues in content development in OC and OComm
* Distributed collaboration in and coordination of FLOSS and OC
development teams
* Distributed group development for FLOSS
* Community development and its evolution in OC
* FLOSS teams as communities of practice
* Leadership, management and policies in FLOSS, OC groups and Open
* Creators roles in OC, and OComm and how they evolve over time
* Implementation of FLOSS systems
* Distributed project management and distributed team management
* Knowledge management and learning in OComm, OC and FLOSS development
* Member satisfaction and effectiveness in OComm, OC and FLOSS development
* Analysis and assessment of software development processes for FLOSS
* Motivations and ideologies in OC, OComm and FLOSS
* User involvement and user support in FLOSS development
* FLOSS systems supporting OC projects
* Web 20, Enterprise 20, mashups and their relationships with OC and OComm
* Forecasting the evolution of FLOSS and OC projects, as well as OComm
* Application, implementation and cases of use of OC and FLOSS projects
in education, health care, public administrations and mass media
* Social networks in FLOSS, OC projects and OComm



Felipe Ortega.

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