The August 2012 issue of the Wikimedia Research Newsletter is out:

In this issue:

1 Wikipedia-based graphs visualize influences between thinkers, writers and musicians
2 Information retrieval scientists turn their attention to Wikipedia's page view logs
3 The limits of amateur NPOV history
4 Three new papers about Wikipedia class assignments
5 Substantitative and non-substantitative contributors show different motivation and expertise
6 Is there systemic bias in Wikipedia's coverage of the Tiananmen protests?
7 "Low-hanging fruit hypothesis" explains Wikipedia's slowed growth?
8 Briefly
9 References

••• 22 publications were covered in this issue •••
Thanks to Piotr Konieczny, Sage Ross, Evan Rosen and Oren Bochman for contributing

Dario Taraborelli and Tilman Bayer

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