Hi, some of you might be interested: The new "Human Computation" Journal just published its first issue (open access) and also features one interesting piece about Wikipedia.

Cheers, Fabian
(disclosure: I'm on the editorial board) 

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Volume 1 • Issue 1  October 2014
Read the full letter
from the Editors here.

 First issue – Greeting from the Editors  

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to present the first issue of "Human Computation", a new, open-access journal for all disciplines that contribute to the design and analysis of distributed information processing systems that leverage human cognition. We hope you find this first issue both stimulating and useful and look forward to your feedback and – hopefully – to including your own scholarly work in future editions.

Collectively yours,
Pietro Michelucci & Elena Simperl,  Co-Editors-in-Chief

 Research: Group minds and the case of Wikipedia

Using Wikipedia as a case study, the author evaluates the hypothesis that group level mental states can be distinct from and irreducible to the mental states of its individual constituents.
· Simon DeDeo ·    → read now 

 Research: The three sides of CrowdTruth

Disagreement among crowdworkers may in fact be informative about problematic tasks; the authors provide an empirical framework to leverage the diversity of human opinion. 
· Lora Aroyo and Chris Welty ·    → read now 

 Research: Toward complexity measures for systems involving HC

Can human computation problems be classified according to their complexity and needed resources, like computer algorithms? A theoretical foundation for performance-based modeling in HC is proposed to achieve just that.
· R. Jordan Crouser, Benjamin Hescott, Remco Chang · → read now 

 Research: Architecting real-time crowd-powered systems

A survey of crowd-powered systems provides the draft for an architectural framework for systematically replicating recent successes in designing and implementing such on-demand systems.
· Walter S. Lasecki, Christopher Homan, Jeffrey P. Bigham · → read now 

 Opinion: Learning to count

As we build systems collecting and aggregating human contributions, we are well-advised to preserve and recognize the impact of individual voices and actions. 
· Mary Catherine Bateson ·    → read now 
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Fabian Flöck
Research Associate
Computational Social Science department
Unter Sachsenhausen 6-8, 50667 Cologne, Germany
Tel: + 49 (0) 221-47694-208