While we (Research & Data @ WMF) consider maintaining a standard dump of categories and pagelinks, anyone can pull such a dataset from tool labs slaves (see http://tools.wmflabs.org) with the following two queries.

/* Get all page links */
  origin.page_id AS from_id,
  origin.page_namespace AS from_namespace, 
  origin.page_title AS from_title, 
  dest.page_id AS to_id, /* NULL if page doesn't exists */ 
  pl_namespace AS to_namespace, 
  pl_title AS to_title
FROM pagelinks 
LEFT JOIN page origin ON origin.page_id = pl_from
LEFT JOIN page dest ON dest.page_namespace = pl_namespace AND dest.page_title = pl_title;

/* Get all category links */
  origin.page_id AS from_id,
  origin.page_namespace AS from_namespace,
  origin.page_title AS from_title,
  cl_to AS category_title
FROM categorylinks
LEFT JOIN page origin ON page_id = cl_from;

Note that these tables are very large.  For English Wikipedia, pagelinks contains ~900 million rows and categorylinks contains ~66 million rows.


On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 11:28 AM, Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia <glciampagl@gmail.com> wrote:

Same here, also, using a standardized dataset would make much easier to reproduce others' work.


On Sun 15 Dec 2013 05:19:54 AM EST, Carlos Castillo wrote:

I think this is definitively a great idea which will save lots of
researchers a ton of work.


Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia

Postdoctoral fellow
Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research
Indiana University

✎ 910 E 10th St ∙ Bloomington ∙ IN 47408

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