There's definitely a terrifying brainstorm down there :)

Before answering several remarks, I'd like to express a general feeling : the success of the journal seems to depend heavily on the editorial comittee (or whatever its name can be). It may not be the most attractive place to be (mainly administrative and layout stuff…), but that is what we need to set up in the first place. I am actually volunteering to take some part in it. 

Le 2 nov. 12 à 19:54, Juliana Bastos Marques a écrit :
As for any candidates for institutional academic support, I could easily arrange for my university, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State (UNIRIO -, where I've been setting a wiki research Lab and we have a very good Library Studies Dept., where they can help us with the setting of the journal. Brazil has a wide experience in open-access journals (we don't have these paywalls at all. See, e.g.,
that's a real fine idea. I will attempt a similar initiative in my own university, the school of communication of Paris-Sorbonne (CELSA). I have already convinced them to set up a study day dedicated on Wikipedia by the end of the next year, so I think they might be interested. The shif to OA access has also been easier in France, as most journals are published by public institutions and made most of their archives accessible. 

Le 2 nov. 12 à 23:24, Piotr Konieczny a écrit :
I like the draft design. Here's an idea on how to do tackle the double blind peer review, wiki way:
I have added most of your suggestions on a new draft on submission rules :

Le 3 nov. 12 à 00:44, Samuel Klein a écrit :
Hej, this is great.  I think you should consider the following combined model: 
Thanks for these relevant insights. I have reported some of it on the new submission rules draft. Besides, I have included a specific section on « other authors » on the design model. 

Le 3 nov. 12 à 00:58, Ziko van Dijk a écrit :
I wouldn't call it a "wiki journal", that gives a wrong impression,
I have transfered all the draft design on a new page, without any reference to this name :

Le 3 nov. 12 à 11:19, Iolanda Pensa a écrit :
--> How about WIkipedia articles?
Yes, beyond traditional journal content, we could give some room to wikimedian resources. For instance, the scientific comittee may select some FAs that seem to be relevant with the general purpose of the issue.