If you want to do research about Wikipedia, you should certainly describe your work on the Research pages of Meta.

There are no negative implications -- and it does provide a quick way to link to a summary of your work.

For instance, my dissertation work at NUIG is described here:


On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 5:39 PM, Xiangju Qin <qinxiangju@gmail.com> wrote:
Dear all,

   I'm Xiangju Qin, a PhD student at School of Computer Science & Informatics, University College Dublin, Ireland.

   I just joint this Wikipedia research mailing list and know little about it. I guess the members of this mailing list is a mixture of people from Wikipedia (either admins or editors), people from the academia like me. So what are the main purposes of this mailing list? Mainly discussing research (projects or papers) about Wikipedia?

   I would also like to know the following question:

   When I emailed a Wikipedia editor about his feedbacks about our paper (he made some comments about our paper in Wikipedia Signpost-Sep-24-2014), he suggested me to add my project to Wiki-research page in order to get suggestions/advice from Wikipedia people.

   I emailed my advisor about this. He said that he didn't understand the implications of adding one's project to Wikipedia research page. I don't know much about this either. Has any one in this mailing list add his own project to the Wikipedia page? Has you found it helpful and gotten much valuable suggestions/advice from the Wikipedia community about your project?

   Many thanks!

   Have a nice weekend everyone!

   Best wishes,


Xiangju Qin, PhD Student at UCD CSI
Address: School of Computer Science & Informatics, UCD, Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland

Wiki-research-l mailing list