Citations and references are the building blocks of Wikimedia projects. However, as of today, they are still treated as second-class citizens. Structured data bases such as Wikidata offer a unique opportunity to turn into reality over a decade of endeavors to build the sum of all citations and bibliographic metadata into a centralized repository. To coordinate upcoming work in this space, we're organizing a technical event in late May and opening up applications for prospective participants.

WikiCite 2016 is a hands-on event focused on designing data models and technology to improve the coverage, quality, standards-compliance and machine-readability of citations and source metadata in Wikipedia, Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects. Our goal, in particular, is to define a technical roadmap for building a repository of all Wikimedia references in Wikidata. 

We are bringing together Wikidatans, Wikipedians, software engineers, data modelers, and information and library science experts from organizations including Crossref, Zotero, CSL, ContentMine, Google, Datacite, NISO, OCLC and the NIH. We are also inviting academic researchers with experience working with Wikipedia's citations and bibliographic data.

WikiCite will be hosted in Berlin on May 25-26, 2016. Participation to the event is capped at about 50 participants and we expect to have a number of open slots for applicants:
Please help us pass this on to anyone who has done important technical work on Wikimedia references and citations.

Important dates

For any question, you can contact the organizing committee:

The organizers,

Dario Taraborelli
Jonathan Dugan
Lydia Pintcher
Daniel Mietchen
Cameron Neylon

Dario Taraborelli  Head of Research, Wikimedia Foundation • • @readermeter