Beloved Terry, As I understood Alice, we had until the strike of midnight tonight, May 31st, to enter our suggestions.... I think that is EST but Sweet Al is an angel for letting time slide into most time zones - like Hawaii hopefully..
My thought (at least the only one I really think might work) thus far is: Lights come up....Bottom enters, and at center stage stops, and addresses the audience: "Are we all met?" (I would expect rousing applause at this point as we are all "met" once more in our magic Barn). Bottom begins with...... "I have had a most rare vision......... I have a dream past the wit of man to say what dream it was. (Man is but an ass if he go about to expound this dream. -keep this sentence?) Me thought I was--------"
Lights out and open up onto whatever scene is thought fit.... thus far, I'm still working on that. We can still tie this in with the rest of Bottom's speech and repeat the Dream speech in its entirety at a later spot....maybe the end.....
Must go put electrodes back on and turn up voltage on my brain stimulator.... Adieu! Joy